Lawley Running Club is a proud member of England Athletics and as such the club is eligible to apply for place’s for London Marathon, these places are allocated to the club based on how many Affiliated Members the club has registered at the cut off date.
Following discussions held by various club members as a London Marathon Working Group, proposals were put forward and presented to our committee. Committee discussed these options and offered a vote to all first claim Lawley Running Club members on the selection process. The overwhelming majority voted for the “Alternate Ballot Only System”.
The Alternate Ballot System Explained
How the places will be allocated, the club through its affiliation with England athletics can be allocated places this is usually based on the amount of first claim registered at a given time (dictated by EA) if the club was allocated one place this would be drawn at random from all eligible members, if the club was allocated two places the first would be drawn from people who have never ran London marathon before and the second place via ballot of all eligible members If three places was to allocated it would be one drawn from people who have never ran London marathon before and the second and third place via ballot of all eligible.
How the draw will take place.
The first place is allocated by ballot, drawn publicly at random, but only those who have never (under any circumstances) run London Marathon before are eligible for the first place.
The remaining place(s) are available to all qualifying members by ballot, drawn publicly at random.
To be eligible to enter the club ballot, then you must meet the following criteria:
- You must have been a fully paid up first claim member for 12 months by the time the public ballot closes for LM. and hold a active current membership of Lawley Running Club
- You must have been rejected in the public ballot, and be able to produce either the rejection email or the rejection letter as evidence.
- You must not have resigned from LRC at the time of the club ballot.
- Club members who have received a London Marathon place from Lawley Running Club by vote or ballot are not again eligible for future club places for 5 years. For example, if someone received a place to run the marathon in April 2015, they would next be eligible to apply for a place to run the marathon in April 2020.
The club ballot will open after the public ballot results are published and confirmation of club place allocation has been received.
A spare place will be drawn to take on any unwanted allocation (i.e. in case someone who is awarded a place changes their mind and no longer wants it). This spare will be drawn and the name will remain secret, the result only to be known by the Membership Secretary and Chairperson (or another impartial committee member).
Qualifying members who would prefer not to be featured in the first place ballot will have the option to opt out of it.
The athletes who have represented Lawley Running Club for our allocated places at London marathon since the club was formed are as follow
2025 Andrew J (never ran London Marathon before) Tom C
2024 Nicola W (never ran London marathon before) Anthony A
2023 Gary W (never ran London Marathon before) Ryan Jones
2022 Matt W (members vote)
2021 Marc G (ran 2021)(ballot), Izzy B (ballot)
2020 Cancelled
2019 – Rich H (members vote), Kev Brierley (ballot), James Staton (ballot)
2018- Tony C (members vote), Danielle W (ballot), Wayne F (ballot)
2017- Andy C (members vote), Alistair P (ballot), Lauren P (ballot)
2016- David M (ballot), Lorraine B (ballot)
2015- Dom M (ballot), Judy U (ballot), Deb H (ballot)